Anniversary Specials
Save 15% off all of the following services:
ZO 3 Step Peel
Vi Precision Plus
Pixel Laser Peels
Skinny Shots
*services & pricing options available on website link below
$15 B12 shots, reg $20
Peel+Tox Anniversary Special
Chemical Peel + 20 units of Botox for only $219, a $340 value.
Chemicals peel can be Glycolic, Jessner, or TCA Peel
*all units of Botox must be used in same appointment as peel, units can not be saved for a later date or transferred
Please call or text 512-863-2118 to book your service.
Online booking not available for specials
*all specials must be purchased and booked by 3/31/24
*special pricng applies to regular price, single session service, not packages or series